Mechanics & Owners Guide to 1941-1959 Harley-Davidson O.H.V. Big Twins

The Knucklehead motor was faithfully replicated by Tedd Cycle, Inc. and released on January 9, 2002; along with the (Linkert carburetor-intake port) OEM-style Pan cylinder heads in three models: The 1948-’54 (plumber manifold); the 1955-’62 (O-Ring manifold); and the 1963-’65 (external oiler) style. Our shop manual was written for existing “runners”; and for “builders” of … Read more

100 Years of Harley Davidson

100 Years of Harley Davidson – The first century of Harley Davidson is documented in detail in this book. You can buy 100 Years of Harley Davidson in new or used condition from eBay through the following links.